I. Main Contents

Data in this chapter reflect the basic conditions of Shanghai’s population, employment and wages between 1978 and 2021.

The basic conditions of Shanghai’s population include data of the city as well as districts under it. For example: there are data of the city’s permanent residents and registered population between 1978 and 2021; permanent residents and residents with household registration in other provinces and cities in districts in 2021; changes of registered population’s natural growth and mechanical growth between 1990 and 2021; registered population age structure in districts in 2020.

The basic conditions of employment and wages reflect the basic conditions of Shanghai’s labor economy, including the number of employed people classified by corporation types of industry enterprises above designated size, qualified construction legal entities, enterprises above designated size of wholesale and retail trades,enterprises above designated size of hotels and catering services, all real estate development business with development and operation activities, service enterprises above designated size, average wages of urban units employed people, the number of urban registered unemployed people and the unemployment rate, the number of new jobs, the number of retired people, and pension situations.


II. Sources of Data

Data in this chapter are collected, prepared, and provided by the Department of Population and Employment Statistics of the Shanghai Statistics Bureau.

Sources of the basic conditions of population: data of permanent residents by the year end for 1982, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 are the census year estimates; the rest of the data are estimates from the annual national sample survey on population changes and data for selected years have been revised according to the census results. Data in table 2.1, provided by Shanghai Public Security Bureau, refer to registered population, with permanent residents in exception. Land area data in table 2.2 are provided by Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, and the data on permanent residents in districts, and residents with household registration in other provinces and cities are estimates based on the population sampling survey in Shanghai in 2021. Data in table 2.3 to table 2.6, provided by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, all refer to registered population.? Data in table 2.7, provided by the office of Shanghai Commission on Aging.

Sources of the basic conditions of employment:

Data on basic conditions including the number of employed people and the average wages of employed people are collected, prepared and compiled through The Reporting Form System on Labor Statistics.

Data on the urban registered unemployed people and unemployment rate, the number of new jobs, the number of retired people and pension situations are provided by the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.


III. Survey Methodology

The statistical surveys on population which are conducted by the Department of Population and Employment Statistics of the Shanghai Statistics Bureau are as follows:

The national population census is conducted in the year ending with 0; the national 1 percent population sample survey is conducted in the year ending with 5; sample surveys on population changes are conducted in the rest of the years which cover about 1.3 per thousand of the total population of the city. The sample survey on population change takes the whole nation as the population sample with each province, autonomous region or municipality as sub-populations, and the stratified multi-stage systematic PPS cluster sampling scheme is used.

The statistical survey methodology of employment and wages: data are from comprehensive surveys on industry above designated size, the construction industry, the wholesale and retail industry above the set scale, the accommodation and catering industry above the set scale, all real estate development business with development and operation activities, service industry corporations above the set scale. Data of other legal entities are from sampling surveys. Since 2020, the sample units of the sampling survey have been uniformly selected by the National Bureau of Statistics.? The sample of statistical survey does not include the village neighborhood committee and the units with less than 5 employees.? The data of human resources and social security are from comprehensive surveys, which collected and processed by Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.